Be our Featured Artist at New Age Notes. Includes Featured Album and album review. (This is currently the only way to get a full album review, and an album review also gets submitted to Sedona Journal of Emergence for possible publication). You are our Featured Artist for a month, along with your Featured Album. After the month, your Feature morphs into a permanent Artist Page. Choose desired month below. Although we do everything we can to accommodate your scheduling needs, this is first come, first served. We cannot guarantee your desired month. $299 See below the payment button for exactly what we need for your feature. NEW! YOU CAN NOW ADD RADIO PROMOTION TO YOUR FEATURE (OR ORDER IT SEPARATELY). SEE DETAILS BELOW.

Choose Desired Month

For your feature and your album review, here is what we need:

1. Your full artist website URL and LABEL name and Label URL if you have a label.

2. Send us your Dropbox link. If you don’t have that, send to us through WeTransfer (MP3s only) We need to be able to access/listen to your full CD, not samples. DropBox is good, and our preferred method. Bandcamp, Soundcloud okay, as long as we can download your MP3s for airplay consideration.

Send your sound files/links as tracks that we can listen to over and over again as necessary.

Do NOT send links that expire!

Please do NOT send Spotify links!

* * * If you want to be considered for airplay on our radio station, New Age Notes, send actual high res MP3 files with metadata. No WAVS.

3. Send us your one-sheet if you have one (and your short bio).

4. CD cover – front and back covers – as high res JPEG attachment, not embedded graphic in the email. We need this graphic as an attachment.

5. Liner notes, if any. And include any and ALL credits for guest artists.

6. Press release, if any.

7. A buying link for the public for your CD/digital release.

8. A banner of you and your CD cover, 1200 x 400 px. If you don’t have one or can’t make one, we can make it for you, no problem.

Also, please try to send files as JPEGS for your CD covers, artist photo, and .doc files for press releases, bio, etc., etc. Send as much of your information as possible as JPEGS and .doc. Thank you! Send here: [email protected]

 TO ADD NEW AGE RADIO PROMOTION TO YOUR FEATURED ALBUM/FEATURED ARTIST FEATURE or to order radio promotion separately, use PayPal button below.

A few notes about our radio promotion and what makes us different: We are promoting your album or single to a VETTED list of bona fide New Age radio stations and programs. We follow up. You will know what’s happening. You’re not going to get lost in the shuffle. You’re not going to be in a group email. As well, we don’t take just everyone. We LISTEN to your music. We FOCUS on your music. We focus on your release (single or album). We are only going to take a few clients per month. You won’t be just one in the crowd. If we do not feel your music is a good fit for our radio promotion, and if we don’t fall in love with your music and can’t stand behind it or in front of it, we aren’t going to do it. It’s that simple. Here’s what our radio promotion includes:

* Promoting your album or single to a real list of real New Age stations, producers, hosts, programs, (and those programmers reporting to NACC), including the “big ones” (SiriusXM, major airlines, etc).

* One sheet creation (if needed)

* Press release

* Publicity / Social media strategies

* Helping you get quality interviews

* Airplay on our own station, New Age Notes Radio

* Airplay on the special weekend shows we do with KUOS FM 92.1 Sedona

* Our Spotify playlists

* We will submit your album or single review to Sedona Journal of Emergence

* Additional as develops


Email your information to: [email protected]

Send a note if you’d like.