Brief album review (written, not an audio).  This review is placed here on our website, New Age and social media.  We do NOT need to be playing your music here in order to do this review.  As well, please note that this is NOT the in-depth review we do for Zone Music Reporter (ZMR), Spirit Seeker Magazine, or New Age CD.

Why do you want to do this? The review gets posted here, and stays here permanently, so there will be permanent links to your music, again, whether or not we are playing it here.  Back-links. Audience exposure.  Social media sharing. And, a real, unbiased review, which can help sell your music.

Here’s what we need to do your New Age Notes review:

  1. A streaming link (with links that do not expire) where we can listen to the entire album as many times as we need, or a Dropbox link to your album
  2. Cover art for your album
  3. Artist credits
  4. Any liner notes, bios, artist website URL, etc.
  5. Anything else you think we may find helpful

After payment, send your information to [email protected]. Please allow up to 4 weeks for the review.
