“Winds of Change” by David J. Peña
Album Review for New Age CD, New Age Notes Radio, Zone Music Reporter (ZMR), “Spirit Seeker Magazine” and “Retailing Insight Magazine.”
“Each song on ‘Winds of Change’ is vibrant, vivacious, “feel-good” music. From the very first few notes, you already know this is something special. Phenomenal in every way.” – New Age Notes Radio
I can’t say enough good things about this “New Age Contemporary” album. Melodic, upbeat, and cinematic are a few descriptions that come to mind from the very first notes.
David J. Peña is a Texas based multi-instrumentalist and composer who began playing piano at the age of four. His mother was a guitarist and vocalist, and his grandfather was a violinist. So, music is in David’s DNA. In the beginning, his musical journey focused on piano and drums, and later he learned to play the guitar and bass, as well as learning songwriting and composition. This was time well spent, as you will soon see.
David’s piano performance on “Winds of Change” is outstanding. And as well, the cinematic orchestration on this album by orchestral and film composer, Judah Earl, is completely gorgeous in every way. There is a synergistic depth and emotion to this recording that is phenomenal.
The album opens with the melodious piece, “Homecoming.” I love this. It’s such a great beginning. The song structure is wonderful and of note, the piano performance is perfect, and the string arrangements are magnificent. This is one to play again and again.
The upbeat, spirit lifting, “Awakening” follows. Here again we have flawlessly played piano and equally flawless orchestration.
One thing I love about this whole album is the way David plays the piano. There is a confident, passionate touch here, emotionally evocative, along with gentle moments in all the right places. If I had one complaint, it’s that at 36 minutes in length, I wish it were longer because the music is so wonderful.
Dynamic in every way, “The Arrival,” I would say, heralds the “winds of change” that are upon us. That said, the song is upbeat, fast-paced, hopeful, and optimistic. Flowing, catchy piano melody atop a rhythmic piano bed, plus lively orchestral and percussion arrangements make this truly delightful. Right here, I know I’m not going to be able to choose a favorite on this album. No point in that, and an impossible choice.
Things slow down a little with “Remember When,” which has an appropriately nostalgic, ethereal vibe. Yes, it’s ear candy. This is just gorgeous.
Very cool thunderstorm effects in the title track set the tone for the “winds of change” that are upon us. A poignant, passionate, piano melody and stunningly beautiful orchestration make this a favorite, and one for the playlist.
Another to love is the sweet, passionate “Someday.” Again, the song structure and melody are polished, defined, and elegant. This is “feel-good” music.
“Windy Shadows” is brief at 2:52. But again, we have here sophisticated, flowing piano and top-notch orchestration. So pretty.
At the stunningly beautiful “Willow,” which I found emotionally stirring deep into my very soul, I was wondering how this album could even get any better. And it’s not that it “gets better.” That’s not it at all. The music is phenomenal throughout “Winds of Change.” And from the very first few notes, you already know this is something special. You will want to get the whole album.
“Wise Men’s Journey” has a cinematic air of mystery and intrigue that is quite endearing and enjoyable. David has a real gift not only for eloquent piano performance, but for his composition skills, which are brilliant. These are pieces that will stick with you and uplift your spirit long after the music stops.
This memorable album closes out with the vibrant, upbeat, and inspiring “Take Flight.” I feel like this could be a new theme song for a major airline, to be sure. It makes you want to get up and get going to wherever your journey leads. Vámonos ahora!
“Winds of Change” releases on September 17. Available on Amazon Music, Google Play, iTunes, Pandora, Spotify and all major streaming platforms.
Official artist website: https://davidjpena.com/
Press/Radio Contact:
Sherry Finzer
[email protected]
Album credits:
Songwriter and piano composer: David J. Peña
Orchestral arrangements: Judah Earl
Mixing engineer: Greg Hill
Mastering engineer: Brian Calhoon
Album cover design: Mirna Peña
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